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Mettis Global News

Workers remittances rise 4.0% to US $5 billion in the first three months of FY16

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Overseas Pakistani workers remitted US $ 4,966.54 million in the first three months (July to September) of FY16, showing a growth of 4.01% compared with US $ 4775.12 million received during the same period in the preceding year.

During  September  2015,  the  inflow  of  worker’s  remittances  amounted  to  US  $1,775.87 million, which is 16.3% higher than August 2015 and 1.57% higher than September 2014. The
country wise details for the month of  September  2015  show  that inflows from Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, UK, GCC countries (including Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and ,Oman) and EU countries
amounted to  US $483.21  million, US $428.13  million, US $260.97  million, US $233.27  million, US $201.34 million and US $33.3 million respectively compared with the inflow of US $495.63
million,  US  $396.28  million,  US  $252.07  million,  US  $226.72  million,  US  $216.84  million and US  $34.45  million  respectively  in  September  2014.  Remittances  received  from  Norway,
Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Japan and  other countries during September  2015  amounted to US $135.65 million together as against US $126.50 million received in September 2014.

Posted on: 2015-10-12T19:45:00+05:00

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