Mettis Global News
Mettis Global News

Threat of severe Power crisis in the country

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There is a threat of severe Power crisis in the country. Reason is dangerously low stock of furnace oil as PSO has only two days stocks of Furnace Oil. K- Electric has only two days stocks of furnace oil while other major power plants across the country have 04 to 07 days stocks of Furnace Oil. Due to peak summer, consumption of Furnace oil is very high and to meet the demand furnace oil product has been arranged back-to-back At the moment,  two Furnace Oil vessels carrying 140,000 M.Tons product are awaiting for berth.
One of these vessel is waiting since one week to berth Two more Furnace Oil vessels of carrying 140,000 M.Tons product are reaching in next two days
Berthing of these 04 cargoes will avert potential power crisis brewing in the country Reason behind this crisis situation is that OCAC is giving preference to private companies vessels in berthing
their vessels that carry commercial fuel products And OCAC is not giving priority berthing to Furnace Oil cargoes

Posted on: 2017-06-13T20:14:00+05:00

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