The company informed that, the joint venture of Tando Allah Yar Block, comprising Oil & Gas Development Co. Ltd. (OGDCL) as operator (95%) & Government Holdings (Pvt.) ltd. (5%) has discovered gas and condensate from its exploratory Well Tando Allah Yar South West # 01, which is located in district Hyderabad, Sindh province.
The company informed that the structure of Tando Allah Yar South West # 01 was drilled and tested using OGDCL’s in house expertise, dug to a depth of 3250 meters.
The well has tested 10 MMSCFD of gas and 72 BPD of condensate through 32/64’’ choke at wellhead flowing pressure of 2440 Psi from “Massive Sands” of lower guru formation.
The company in the press release stated that, the discovery of Tando Allah Yaar South West # 01 is a result of aggressive exploration strategy adopted by the company.
It believes that the new well will open a new avenue, and add to the hydrocarbon reserves of base of OGDCL.
The release further mentioned that, vigorous exploration and drilling will help mitigate the energy crisis in Pakistan.