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FBR to clarify its position on solar power generators’ import

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The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) would brief the Senate Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs on the issue faced by importers on the import of solar power generator systems during its upcoming meeting scheduled on Wednesday, September 13.

The board representatives would also brief the senate body about the details of the exemptions provided by FBR to the solar system, according to notification issued by the Senate Secretariat here.

The Senate body, during its discussion on the issue during its last meeting, had decided to call the Alternate Energy Development Board (AEDB) and Engineering Development Board (EDB) to come to next meeting and clarify the issues related to duty on solar power generator imports.

The issue came up for discussion after some stakeholders had requested the committee that their container was not being cleared by Customs Authorities as they seek No Objection Certificate (NOC) from EDB.

The Senate body would also be briefed by the Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) on the financial embezzlement, irregularities and overpayment of Rs382 billion found in different public sector entities of the federal ministries during fiscal year 2016-17.

The committee would also be given in-camera briefing by the Finance Division on the role of private banks including Standard Chartered Bank, Citi Bank and Deutshce Bank regarding issuance of Euro bonds by the government of Pakistan.

According to the notification, the committee would also consider subject matter of an adjournment motion moved by Senator Mian Muhamamd Ateeq Sheikh on August 25, 2017 regarding the impact of third tier federal excise duty (FED) on tobacco products.

According to the motion, this was the violation of WHO's Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC) on one hand and would result into increase in tobacco consumption on the other hand.

The matter was referred to the committee to present its report by October 24, 2017.

Posted on: 2017-09-11T17:49:00+05:00

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