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HomeEconomyTDAP’s Consultation with Exporters for new GSP Scheme of UK at Faisalabad

TDAP’s Consultation with Exporters for new GSP Scheme of UK at Faisalabad

March 11, 2020: As a part of series of the consultative sessions organized by Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) and Ministry of Commerce to glean the inputs about the new scheme of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) and Most Favourite Nations (MFN) tariff rationalization being introduced by the UK Government from January 2021, a program was organized at Faisalabad in the premises of Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

The consultative session was aimed at a broader consultation with the exporters to ease the anticipated Generalized System of Preferences and to take the cognizant of the situation to avoid any negative impact and to enhance trade between UK and Pakistan. Further, the Ministry of Commerce and TDAP’s prime aim is to retain the market access being enjoyed under EU’ GSP Plus regime through REX System.

Mr Kamal Shahryar, Advisor (GSP Services), TDAP Karachi told the participants regarding the round of dialogues with UK government that the UK government would at least offer the same status to Pakistan that is available in the frame of the EU system. He further said that TDAP desires to ensure more market access and ease for the business community in terms of safeguard measures, technical barriers in trade etc.

He explained that if MFN tariff revision by the UK government results into favouring the competitors in terms of tariffs, it would harm our industry but the UK authorities have ensured that such framework would not be introduced to the disadvantage of Pakistani exporters to the UK.

The session was attended by a large number of representatives of FCCI (Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry), PHMA (Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers Association), APBUMA (All Pakistan Bed Sheet & Upholstery Manufacturers Association) and members of PTEA (Pakistan Textile Exporters Association). Moreover, the senior management of the leading firms of textiles attended the session and gave their input/feedback to make the new scheme more fruitful for Pakistan.

Earlier, the consultative session started with the recitation from the Holy Quran followed by Naat Sharif and National Anthem. Rana Sikandar-e-Aazam Khan, President FCCI welcomed the participants and appreciated the efforts being taken by the TDAP and Ministry of Commerce for the business community. The session was concluded with vote of thanks by Mr Allah Dad Tarar, Director TDAP Faisalabad.

Press Release

Posted on: 2020-03-11T16:59:00+05:00


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