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HomeEquitySSGC resumes gas supply to K-Electric

SSGC resumes gas supply to K-Electric

Sui Southern Gas increased the flow of gas supplies to K-Electric from immediate effect in order to reduce the load shedding hours in the financial hub Karachi.

K-Electric spokesman confirmed that gas supplies has been increased to 130 mmscf/day from 90 mmcf  following the Prime Minister Shahid Khaqqan Abbasi’s recent visit to Karachi where he issued directives to resolve the long standing problem of metropolis.

The situation needed Prime Minister’s intervention as even industries and companies were not spared from the load shedding. The Industrial sector is facing hardships since outages increased from eight to twelve hours.

According to sources, as supply of gas resumes to K – Electric, load shedding would reduce significantly and the citizens of Karachi will definitely breathe a sigh of relief.

It has also come to the fore that soon the SSGC is expected to increase gas supplies to 190 mmcf/day which will further reduce overall volume of load shedding across the city.

The K-Electric has also announced to exempt industrial and other units from load shedding with immediate effect.

Posted on: 2018-04-23T19:25:00+05:00
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