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HomeEconomyFinance Ministry rejects Indian media reports of APG blacklisting Pakistan

Finance Ministry rejects Indian media reports of APG blacklisting Pakistan

Aug 23, 2019: The Ministry of Finance Friday categorically rejected Indian media reports about Pakistan being blacklisted by the Asia-Pacific Group, the regional affiliate of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

The ministry in a press statement clarified that APG in its 22nd Annual Meeting held in Canberra, Australia from August 18-23, 2019, adopted Pakistan’s 3rd Mutual Evaluation Report and put Pakistan in its enhanced follow-up as per APG’s Third Round Mutual Evaluation Procedures.

In line with APG’s Third Round Mutual Evaluation Procedures, Pakistan would be required to submit follow-up progress reports to APG on quarterly basis.

“Media reports, being circulated about Pakistan, being blacklisted by APG are incorrect and baseless,” the Finance Ministry said.


Posted on: 2019-08-23T15:13:00+05:00


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