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HomeEconomyPower generation drops by 16.4% MoM in September 2023

Power generation drops by 16.4% MoM in September 2023

October 25, 2023 (MLN): The total power generation in the country decreased by 16.4% MoM to 13,399 GWh during September 2023 as compared to 15,959 GWh in August, monthly power production data released by the National Electric Power Authority (NEPRA) showed.

On a yearly basis, the total power generation increased by 3.6% YoY for September 2023 compared to 12,878 GWh in the Same Period Last Year (SPLY).

During 1QFY24, power generation also went up by 7.4% YoY to 44,137 GWh compared to 41,081 GWh during 1QFY23.

Source-wise, in September 2023, only nuclear energy recorded a monthly increase of 12% MoM, reaching 5,009 GWh.

While electricity generation through hydropower, RLNG (Re-gasified Liquefied Natural Gas), wind, fuel oil (FO), solar, and all other resources decreased compared to the previous month.

On the flip side, RLNG, Hydel, and nuclear generation went up by 17%, 14%, and 1% YoY, respectively, compared to the SPLY.

Share-wise, power generation through hydel contributed the largest in September 2023, as it accounted for 37.5% (5,009 GWh) of total electricity.

It is pertinent to note that last month's hydel-based electricity generation marked a new all-time high of 6,006 GWh.

With a share of 17.1%, power generation from Nuclear was around 2,286 GWh at Rs1.2/ kWh fuel cost, whereas, RLNG contributed 16% (2,128 GWh) of electricity at a price of Rs24.2/kWh.

Meanwhile, coal-based power plants generated around 1,479 GWh (11.1% of total generation) at the fuel cost of Rs15.8/ kWh.

Fuel mix improved as generation from cheaper fuels i.e. Hydel and nuclear increased.

As a result fuel cost went down by 25.2% YoY to Rs7.42/kWh in September 2023, compared to Rs9.91/kWh in the SPLY.

On a sequential basis, the fuel cost went down by 10.28% in September 2023 compared to Rs8.27/kWh in August 2023.

Copyright Mettis Link News

Posted on:2023-10-25T11:25:17+05:00


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