Home Commodities LSMI output increases by 7.09% MoM for January, 2020

LSMI output increases by 7.09% MoM for January, 2020


March 18, 2020: The LSMI output decreased by 5.96% for January, 2020 compared to January, 2019 and increased by 7.09% when compared to December 2019.

The overall output of LSMI decreased by 3.37% for July-January, 2019-20 compared to July-January, 2018-19.

The production in Jul-Jan 2019-20 as compared to Jul-Jan 2018-19 has increased in Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Non-Metallic Mineral Products, Fertilizers, Paper & Board and Leather products while it has significantly decreased in respect of Coke & Petroleum Products, Pharmaceuticals, Automobiles, Iron & Steel Products and Electronics.


Posted on: 2020-03-18T11:54:00+05:00


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