Home CPEC Kyrgyzstan intends to join CPEC: Ambassador

Kyrgyzstan intends to join CPEC: Ambassador


December 08, 2021: In order to reap maximum benefits from the tremendous trade opportunities from China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Gwadar Port, Kyrgyzstan is interested to join CPEC, Ulanbek Totuiaev, Ambassador of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan said on Tuesday during a seminar organized by the Diplomatic Insight, Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, Riphah International University, Islamabad, as reported by APP. 

Ambassador underlined the strong ties between the Kyrgyz Republic and Pakistan that were traditionally characterized as fraternal and friendly. Moreover, the relations between the two countries have been marked by active mutual contacts and bilateral events.

“Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, both countries enjoy political relations and regularly exchange visits on the highest levels. During the last 30 years, both countries exchanged presidential visits twice, Kyrgyz Prime Ministers visited Pakistan twice, Pakistani Prime Ministers came to Kyrgyzstan four times and Speakers of the Kyrgyz parliament visited Pakistan twice,” he noted.

The news report also informed that Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Ruslan Kazakbaev will arrive in Islamabad on December 15 to participate in the Extraordinary Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers on December 16-17.

Kyrgyz Ambassador also highlighted that Kyrgyzstan was celebrating the 30th anniversary of its independence this year. During the last 30 years, Kyrgyzstan has steadily and peacefully developed on the way to democracy and freedom. Currently, Kyrgyzstan is passing through an important period of political changes.

Presidential elections held in January, this year, resulted in the victory of former Prime Minister Sadyr Zhaparov, who became the new head of state, he added.

The ambassador highlighted another important area of bilateral cooperation in tourism. He also highlighted that the geostrategic position of Kyrgyzstan at the crossroads between Central Asia and China and further through the Karakoram Pass to Pakistan opens up excellent opportunities for regional trade and economic cooperation, as well as establishing ties in all areas of mutual interest.

The ambassador also shared with the audience that the country is a dynamically developing diversified economy, where foreign investors are widely represented, including from Pakistan.

He further highlighted that investing in the Kyrgyz Republic is profitable and easy as the main factors are the liberal trade regime, full protection of investments, and unlimited repatriation of profits, as well as currency exchange freedom, low business costs, an educated workforce, and direct access to state authorities.

Founder Chairperson Diplomatic Insight Group Farhat Asif shared her remarks on the aims and objectives of BET series seminars along with the institutional profiles of The Diplomatic Insight and Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies.


Posted on: 2021-12-08T10:17:50+05:00


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