Home Economy FBR sends draft MoU on cooperation between FBR and China’s Taxation Department

FBR sends draft MoU on cooperation between FBR and China’s Taxation Department


Jul 29, 2019: Chairman Federal Board of Revenue Syed Muhammad Shabbar Zaidi has sent the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation between FBR and China’s State Administration of Taxation in order to share taxation data between both the countries.

The draft MoU has been sent through a letter addressed to Pakistan’s Ambassador in China Ms Naghmana A. Hashmi, said a press release issued by FBR here on Monday.

In this regard, Pakistan’s Ambassador in China has been authorized to sign the MoU on behalf of FBR. The Chairman FBR in his letter has stated that the signing of the MoU will enable the Taxation Authorities of both the countries to share data and learn from each other’s best practices. The MoU will promote improvement in trade and investment in both countries.


Posted on: 2019-07-29T21:35:00+05:00


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