National Accountability Bureau (NAB) committed to curb corruption with iron hands by adopting Zero Tolerance Policy.
This was said by Mr. Qamar Zaman Chaudhry, Chairman NAB while chairing a monthly coordination meeting to review latest progress on the decisions taken in the previous monthly coordination meeting held at NAB headquarter.
He said that the results and feedback received about NAB’s proactive National Anti-Corruption Strategy is excellent. The number of complaints, inquiries and investigations are almost double as compared to the same period of 2014 to 2017.
The comparative figures for the latest three years are indicative of the hard work being put in by all ranks of NAB staff in an atmosphere of renewed energy and dynamism, where fight against corruption is being taken as a national duty.
He said that for the last three years under the tenure of present management of NAB, NAB has filed more than 150 corruption references in the respective Accountability Courts and recovered Rs. 50 billion from corrupt. The PILDAT in its report stated that above 42% people have shown trust upon NAB against 30 % for police and 29 % for government officials.
Due to effective coordination of Operations Division and Prosecution Division of NAB, the overall conviction ratio in respective Accountability Courts is about 76 percent which is a remarkable achievement of any investigation agency in investigation of White Collar Crimes.
He said that NAB has devised Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to rationalize the workload and timelines have been prescribed for efficient, effective and expeditious disposal of cases putting a maximum limit of 10 months- from complaint verification-to- inquiry-to- investigation and finally to a reference in the Accountability Court.
He said that through detailed introspection and analysis of organizational weaknesses, overhaul of procedures and business processes, all pillars of the organization i.e. Operations, Prosecution, Human Resource Development and Awareness and Prevention have been reactivated. He said that an effective Internal Accountability Mechanism (IAM) is placed in NAB in order to weed out such officers/officials who proved to be involved in corruption and misconduct.
He said that NAB has devised a comprehensive Quantified Grading System in NAB in order to review and monitor the performance of NAB regional Bureaus on Annual Basis.
Under Quantified Grading System, NAB Regional Bureau’s are being evaluated for the last three years on annual basis at a given criteria which has proved very successful and the performance of NAB’s Regional Bureaus is increasing day by day due to regular monitoring and inspection.
He said that on the basis of lesson learnt, we have started Mid Term review of all the Regional Bureaus of NAB. Moreover, NAB was conducting Annual Director General’s Conference regularly at NAB Headquarter in order to share best practices, exchange of ideas and to overcome weaknesses if any.
This year, the tentative program for conduct of Annual DG Conference is in September.
He said that Pakistan’s ranking improved by four points from 126th to 122nd position in the Annual Global Competitiveness Report of World Economic Forum 2016-17.
He said that Global Competitiveness Index of World Economic Forum is very encouraging for Pakistan which would help in improving Pakistan's image among the community ofnations.
The Chairman NAB said that NAB is a complaint driven organization. NAB has taken a new initiative named “Citizen Friendly NAB” in order to reach out to the complainants and to cater their complaints submitted to NAB about corrupt for further information regarding the status of their complaints for effectively utilizing the modern and effective technology to create better interaction with citizen. Under “Citizen Friendly NAB” initiative, existing Monitoring and Evaluation System (MES) has generated a system based on complaint registration acknowledgementsystem to share the information with complainant and Unique Identification Number (UIN).
The main purpose of “Citizen Friendly NAB” initiative will not only to help the complainants to track down the latest status of their complaints submitted to NAB in effective manner but will also enable NAB to be more transparent and responsive in term of interaction with complainants and tracking the complaint progress by using modern technology for better interaction with citizen through “Citizen Friendly NAB” initiative of Mr. Qamar Zaman Chaudhry, Chairman NAB which will further help in improving the confidence level on NAB and also about the transparency, fairness and merit based working of NAB as per law.