Our Building Blocks – Your Connectivity

MG Link API serves our clients by meeting their data integration needs with respect to the incorporation of financial market data for display into customized applications, third party softwares, core banking system whether for internal or redistribution purposes.

MG Link API allows for the seamless integration of our comprehensive data sets with any client envisioned digital podium, be it your website, trading platform, company intranet/extranet, advisory portal or mobile application, letting you stay plugged in to the most relevant financial market data, news and analytics. Be it company fundamentals, technical analysis instruments, actionable market leading news, corporate calendars, or real-time exchange data, our vast coverage of ALL the asset classes in the country caters to your every information need. It is the foundation that enables software developers to display data in dynamic and intuitive ways, turning your organization’s compute infrastructure into a reflection of your forward-looking strategies and objectives.

Integration and Delivery

MG Link API offers non-streaming, push/pull access to our financial market data, news and analytics using JSON, SOAP and XML Protocols. Our APIs are designed to be backwards compatible and future proof, ensuring your integration will still work properly even as our platform evolves. Access to MG datacenters can be over the Internet or through a dedicated IP connectivity while data compression is available to maximize bandwidth efficiency.

Developers can use the latest industry-standard formats that we deliver to retrieve and customize data via the web for your own internal usage as well as for client-delivered services.

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